this used to be our family blog entitled "British Royalty versus the Ramsey Clan" (since i'm descended from King Edward II and jon is a descendant from the Ramsay Clan) but since jon never participated, and my mom is the only one who reads this, it is now a format for writing her letters. I mean, for writing you letters, mom.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Asian Sunday Dinner

Shiitake & Tatake !!!

This Sunday evening, we gathered around the geeked out table of nerd games
to partake in Jon's Iron Chef Challenge-winning Chilled Beef Tatake
and Susan's (stolen recipe) Asperagus-shiitake seasame stirfry. Now, one of my
least favorite things is half-cooked (or as fancy people call it "medium rare") meat,
nor do i like cold meat when not in the middle of two pieces of bread with mustard
and all the veggie fixings... But, i ate the CRAP out of this beef tenderloin marinaded
for hours. It was truly tender and flavor-bursting. Compliments to the chef!

Anyone can cook!


Courtney said...

Looks delicious and I'm not a beef or mushroom person. You could be a food photographer because taking good pictures of food is hard and costly (as evidenced by revolting print ads and commercials for local non-chain restaurants where I'm sure it tastes good but looks horrible)!

Paige said...

Your food always looks soo yummy!! The Iron Chef Night sounds so fun. Maybe someday we will start our own when the kids aren't so needy!

Erin said...

I'm a vegetarian, and that looks darn good!